An ongoing fundraiser throughout the year, the Annual Fund supports the operating budget of the school, including financial assistance for students, educational programming, technology upgrades, salaries, and maintenance and physical improvements to the campus. Gifts of any amount are appreciated!
The Legacy Society - Started in 2015, the Legacy Society, honoring the educational contributions of the Ursuline sisters and our former lay teachers at Blessed Sacrament, represents those donors whose gift(s) exceed $2,000 during a fiscal year.
Father Jeff Challenge – This giving level honors our Pastor, Father Jeff Grant. Donors whose gifts to the school range from $1,000 to $1,999 are designated as Father Jeff Challengers.
Friends of B.S.S.- Gifts of all sizes are gratefully beneficial to the Annual Fund; all donors are recognized in the Annual Report.
Matching Gifts –Does your employer office a matching gift program? Ask your company for details.